Picture 134.pngJust to prove to you, our readers, how unbiased I am, I’m publishing this news item. I, personally, consider baseball to be one of the most boring of all human pursuits, but evidently Stephen Windwalker, of Kindle Nation, does not. As a matter of fact he says:

For people who share my addiction to a lovely slow-paced game with its own statistics and literature and economic craziness, all over New England and probably in many other communities around the world, the icy sludge of winter will begin to thaw, our skies will brighten, and our hearts will warm a few degrees. I doubt it’s exactly the same in Anaheim or Atlanta, but I’m sure it inspires a bit of Spring Fever almost everywhere.

To celebrate the opening of Spring Training, Stephen has put together a listing of free and bargain baseball reading and access for the Kindle. You can find it all here.

I won’t be downloading any of them.


  1. Paul, I share the view that baseball is 18 minutes of action packed into 2-1/2 hours. On the other hand, READING about baseball is often entertaining. Jim Bouton’s Ball Four comes to mind. So baseball books are not all bad. It WAS nice of you to let your readers share the baseball books.

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