borders Hmm. First the Borders bookstores partnered with Sony on e-books. Now we learn that OverDrive will provide audiobooks and related technology to Borders. Too bad they’re won’t work on iPods—here’s hoping that the various companies involved can address that problem.  Press release is on the next page. (Found via PublishersLunch.)

My advice to Borders: Use your clout to encourage standards in both e-books and audio books. Ideally the Sony e-books will be in .epub soon enough, even if they’re Sony-DRMed. Meanwhile it’s good to hear that Borders this spring will intro MP3 music and start backing off from DRM, which, as we’ve often noted, is better at protecting proprietary standards than intellectual property.

Related: Google news round up on Borders’ digtal concept stores.

OverDrive Powers Digital Audiobook Service for Borders®

Borders Digital Audiobook Service Is First of Its Kind

Offered in a Physical Retail Environment in the U.S.

CLEVELAND, OH–(Marketwire – March 10, 2008) – OverDrive (, the leading eBook and digital audiobook distributor to retailers, libraries, and schools, announced today that it is providing both inventory and the underlying technology for the new download audiobook service officially unveiled this month in Borders’ new concept store located in Ann Arbor, Mich. The Borders Digital Audiobook Service is the first download service of its kind launched in a physical retail environment in the U.S. More than 15,000 audiobook titles are currently available for downloading in the Digital Center located within the retailer’s concept store as well as in its Novi superstore (where the service was beta-tested in 2007), and online at The service will be rolled out in 13 additional concept stores that Borders plans to open in 2008 as well as in select superstores nationwide.

“Borders is redefining the retail experience for booklovers with their digital services,” said Steve Potash, president and CEO of OverDrive. “We’re proud to team with this industry leader to provide both in-store and online access to thousands of best-selling and award-winning titles.”

Customers can browse the audiobook catalog and download audiobooks to MP3 players at several kiosks in the concept store and Novi superstore. Each kiosk supplies headphones and instant access to audio excerpts from the entire digital audiobook catalog. Trained Digital Center staff are on hand to answer questions and assist customers with the downloading process.

“We are thrilled to work with OverDrive to provide this digital service to our customers,” said Borders Director of Digital Business Dylan Barrell. “They delivered an easy-to-use service with a wide variety of audiobooks, from award-winning popular fiction to business, self-help, foreign language learning, and children’s under an extremely tight deadline. Hundreds of new titles are added to the Borders’ Digital Audiobook catalog each month so customers always have access to a rich inventory of selections. The download service is a great complement to the other services we provide in our Digital Centers.”

The Borders Digital Audiobook Service utilizes OverDrive’s leading download technology and inventory services, which currently enables more than 7,500 libraries, schools, and retailers in the U.S. and abroad. The customized download website fully integrates into the digital kiosks in the Digital Centers and will be integrated into Borders’ new proprietary e-commerce site ( when it launches during this fiscal quarter.

OverDrive powers download media catalogs at thousands of libraries worldwide, including lending institutions in New York, Singapore, Boston, and Toronto. The company also provides digital download distribution for hundreds of publishers including Random House, HarperCollins, and Harlequin, delivers e-retail solutions to hundreds of college bookstores and other online retailers, and is a strategic partner to Microsoft, Adobe Systems, Inc., Mobipocket, and other leading technology firms.

To purchase audiobooks online via Borders online store, visit

About OverDrive

OverDrive is a leading full-service digital distributor and supplier of eBooks, audio books, music, and video. We deliver secure management, DRM protection, and download fulfillment services for hundreds of publishers and institutions (rights holders) and thousands of libraries, schools, retailers, and aggregators serving millions of end users. Founded in 1986, OverDrive is based in Cleveland, OH.


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