image Have you ever thought about publishing for the Kindle platform? If so, author April L. Hamilton has prepared an excellent, free resource for you. It’s a 15-page PDF file called IndieAuthor Guide to Publishing with Amazon’s Digital Text Platform. April covers all the aspects of DTP, including why to use it, how it works, what rights do you give up when using it and much, much more. Highly recommended.


  1. This is a talented lady who got the brush-off from conventional publishing. She is getting excellent reader-reviews, and those are the ones that matter most. We corresponded recently about how hard it is to promote e-writing without resorting to spamming. As a result of that I set up a blog where adventurous readers can learn about new and independent writers. It’s not perfect, but it’s a start.

    April, good luck!

  2. The paper is geared to those writing with MicroSoft Word 2003, but I think most of us who use other programs to write in can translate the instructions over pretty easily. I found the section on creating a free sample were quite good; I’d been looking at the Amazon DTP web pages but hadn’t found this info.

    In general the Amazon DTP site needs to be redone, and maybe they will do just that once the new Kindle2.0 comes out (wonder when? November 08?) but in the meantime anyone curious about putting a new or old book out for Kindle-addicts to buy should start with Miss Hamilton’s paper and then go to the DTP forum site for any other questions them might have.

    Good link, thanks!

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