Gato-Sabido.pngGato Sabido (Smart Cat) has started up with 400 Portuguese titles and it hopes to have 30,000 titles by the end of this year. Titles are offered in epub or PDF and are DRM protected. Partnering with Interead, the maker of the Cool-ER reader, the store will offer 100,000 titles in English and Interead will get right to offer the Portuguese titles in England and the US. They also will be offering the Cool-ER reader for about US$430, which is about half the cost of having an international Kindle shipped to Brazil.

More details here. Best of luck, and I love your logo!


  1. “They also will be offering the Cool-ER reader for about US$430, which is about half the cost of having an international Kindle shipped to Brazil.”

    I don’t understand that statement. The international Kindle is $259, and shipping will add another maybe $30. That brings the price still until $300. Duties aren’t $600…are they?

    The Mexico duties were $40 when I had one shipped.

  2. Brazilian duties are about 60% for eletronics. People who already bought Kindle paid about US$ 520,00 for it here. Amazon do charge a huge import fee deposit, but only charges about R$ 950,00 (approx. US$ 550,00). Books in Brazil, according to local law, shouldn’t have any import fees at all. Some people are arguing at local justice about Kindle and acquiring the right to import it without any fees.

    Also, the PR guys at Gato Sabido should care more about the numbers they are announcing. Today 1,00 dollar equals to about 1,72 “reais” (brazilian currency). Including delivery costs, the Cool-er from Gato Sabido is being sold for about R$ 880,00 (or US$ 511,00). So, they are actually selling the Cool-er almost at Kindle’s price, despite their announcement. I posted some news about this some days ago, at Editora Plus (, but portuguese only.

    Anyway, Gato Sabido launch is good news for us brazilians. It’s a shame they only do DRM, and wont publish Mobi or any other Kindle format. The fact they are selling the first Cool-er e-reader, which is very poor equipment, ain’t good news also, but being the first at something is always hard.

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