images.jpegReceived a press release from OverDrive relating how they are expanding their distribution to booksellers and libraries in Australia, Brazil, Germany, India, Norway and the UK. From the release:

Notable online retailers who have recently signed with OverDrive include Read Without Paper in Australia (, Livraria Cultura in Brazil (, Txtr in Germany (, InfiBeam in India (, in Norway (, and Books on Board in the UK ( These international booksellers join,, and in offering digital audiobooks or eBooks supplied via OverDrive.

OverDrive has also expanded its catalog of non-English eBooks and audiobooks with titles available in dozens of languages, including a growing collection of Chinese-language eBooks and audiobooks. International publishers that have recently signed with OverDrive include iMinds (Australia), ChineseAll (China), Penguin Canada, The Floating Press (New Zealand), and Kaplan (US).


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