calibre.pngNew Features

* EPUB metadata: When setting metadata in an EPUB file, if it has a well defined image based cover, update it
* Support for Droid X, Samsung Vibrant and Promedia ebook reader
* Add entry to Connect/share menu to conveniently stop and start the Content Server
* News download: Make the navbars on the section index pages more useful, adding links to net and previous section
* Add a button to reset confirm dialogs to Preferences->General

Bug Fixes

* Fix crash in edit metadata dialog if you click OK before cover download completes

* Kobo driver: Show a warning when the user tries to export/view .kobo files. Also add support for the new sofroot vendor id

* Update check. Do not be fooled by a redirecting proxy when checking for new version

* Add book count to tooltip of library button in toolbar

* Content server: When serving OPDS feeds send the correct content-type header.

* PDF Output: Don’t insert blank pages before every individual HTML file in the ebook.

* Fix saving of cover when path to book folder contains non ascii characters

* Fix regression that broke showing send to actions for multiple email accounts
* Fix bug in handlling of hexadecimal entities

* SONY driver: More fixes to handle broken media.xml files

* Linux installer: Fix rendering of viewer icon and restrict all icons to 128×128 since GNOME can’t handle large icons
* RTF Input: Fix handling of hard linebreaks

* RTF Output: Fix regression that broke rendering of bold and italic text

New news sources

* Draw and Cook by Startson17

Improved news sources

* La Nacion
* Vecernje Novosti
* Der Tagesspiegel
* Die Zeit Nachrichten
* Toms Hardware (DE)
* Welt Online


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