Dark Side

For any authors, self-published or otherwise, wondering how to use social media to promote their work, as well as any fans of the dark, weird, and horrible in general, here’s an example for you. A group of horror and dark fiction writers has come together to launch “Dark Side of the Sun: A One-Day Sale on Dark Fantasy Horror and Contemporary Fantasy Books” via Facebook, scheduled for June 27th.

“Readers rejoice! For one day only, Friday, June 27th, you will be able to buy over a dozen dark fantasy horror and contemporary fantasy novels for just 99 cents each,” reads the explanatory blurb. “While you’re checking out the selection, the authors will be here on Facebook throughout the event ready to answer questions, talk about your favorite genres or just to chat. Buy some awesome books and make lasting connections with a group of wonderful authors!”

Writers involved in the promotion include the very wonderful Mercedes M. Yardley, whose novel Nameless will be one of the titles on sale, Addison Moore, offering the first three books of her Celestra series, and 14 others. I can’t speak from personal knowledge of the other authors in the promotion, but if these are any guide, the overall standard is likely to be very high indeed.

And I don’t need to spell out to other writers, or to the promotional departments of publishing companies, how useful a precedent this is for a social media event that pulls in readers and builds buzz. You may or may not subscribe to the argument that 99-cent pricing is a Bad Thing and that predatory sales pricing is killing the market – and I certainly don’t. But you can obviously run a similar promotion without the draw of a sale. It seems like the range of authors and the chance to interact with them could be enough of a draw in itself – close to a virtual convention, even.

So there you go – observe and learn, or just roll up on sale day and buy the books. You know it makes dark, weird, and horrible sense.



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