YW_Lifeboats_Final_Assembly_with_red_star-768x1024When I interviewed Diane Duane on the TeleRead podcast in July, she was in the process of finalizing her latest Young Wizards work, the final story in a “transitional trilogy” set between the most recent Young Wizards novel and the one that will come out next year. It was supposed to be ready within just a few days, but it took a bit longer than that.

Happily, it finally has come out now.

Entitled Lifeboats, this work clocks in at over 90,000 words, which makes it a novel in its own right. It is currently available from Diane Duane’s e-book store for $7.99. However, Duane also notes that an omnibus trilogy volume, Young Wizards: Interim Errantry, will be available from Amazon next week. This book will collect Lifeboats and the two prior novellas (“Not on My Patch” and “How Lovely Are Thy Branches”), and will be available in both e-book and print formats.

Duane has not yet settled on a price for the Amazon edition of the book, but given the incentives built into Amazon’s pricing, my guess would be that the e-book will be $9.99 or less, which means it will probably be a better bargain for people who haven’t already bought the prior works to wait and grab it there.

Given that I already have bought the previous stories, I’ll probably just go and and snag this one direct from Duane’s store, and I’m really looking forward to reading it.


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