
From the press release:

Past three month revenue at digital periodicals distributor LibreDigital 175% higher than previous twelve months.

Austin, TX – March 17, 2011– Market-leading e-book distributor LibreDigital, reported today that its business in distributing digital magazine content generated 175% more revenue November through January that in the previous 12 months combined. Surge in demand for digital magazines from LibreDigital’s tablet and e-reader partners drove the increase.

“Demand for digital reading is exploding,” said Russell P. Reeder, LibreDigital President and CEO, “LibreDigital’s goal is to bring scalable solutions to publishers and marketplaces to meet that demand. We are excited to be bringing our experience as the leader in the e-book distribution business to the early stages of anexciting digital periodicals market.” …

LibreDigital’s marketplace and device partners for periodicals include Kindle from Amazon,Sony Reader, Kobo, NOOKnewsstand from Barnes and Noble, and others. The company supplies digital periodical content from leading newspapers like The New York Times and USA Today and hundreds of magazines including full color digital editions from publishers National Geographic and Bonnier who rely on graphically-rich reading experiences.


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