“DigitalOwl.com – Hooters: E-book company, DigitalOwl.com, just bit the dust after three years of operation and burning through $11 million in venture investments.” – F’d Company.

The TeleRead take: Pocket PC eBooks Watch nicely zeroed in on some comments from the F’d Company forum. “These are supposed to be books. If you think you can charge the same price (or higher) as printed-on-paper with these things, you are doomed to failure. With any form factor, you will not succeed until you make this type of ‘content delivery’ cheaper than print.” Exactly!


  1. I remember them. They visited us at our offices in SF and tried to sell us their junk — I think this was only a couple months before they closed sop. These Digital Owl people were in way over their heads. They were totally clueless about what they were doing. The company’s top management were, in my personal opinion, the most arrogant, dishonest people I’ve ever met. It’s no surprie they didn’t make it.

  2. I don’t know who you think you are talking about but the top management at DigitalOwl.com was nothing but professional, honest and hard working people. I worked for them at DigitalOwl.com and I’m sorry you feel so angry that you have to bash someone, but let me assure you…you are dead wrong on this one!

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