“The congressional Class of 2002, which has more than two-dozen millionaires, will face votes on issues that could affect their financial holdings.” – The Associated Press, Dec. 25.

The TeleRead take: Hey, the issue isn’t just conflict of interest. It’s also empathy. Will the typical millionaire really care as much about online public libraries as an ordinary mortal interested in self-improvement? Yes, wealth is hardly incompatible with a concern for the commonweal. But isn’t it fascinating that Bill Gates bought several copies of The Great Gatsby for the private library of his $50-million-plus mansion, yet failed to understand the importance of getting the book on the Net for free and legal access by his fellow Americans? No, he isn’t in Congress yet. But give it time–considering the bias of the U.S. political system in favor of the rich.


  1. The rich live in bubbles, they have a different understanding of money than average joes. THey just do not respect people who can not acheive the wealth, power or prestige that they have attained and therefore, feel superior and thus, believe that they are not wrong, but rather entitled, for their apparent power and personal gain. It is difficult to break this, certain carefullly-created, culturally accepted superior class-shell that is worn by those within our political system. What makes me say this with any certainty? I dated a prominent politiacal strategist, he worked for DeLay, Bush II and Clinton, not in that order, regardless, if I had a conversation regarding certain issues, i.e. immigration, he would have a practiced, logical viewpoint that has nothing to do with people he had met or known or viewed even, but rather talking points developed by research, the rare doctor or wealthy immigrant that traveled here from trhe various wealthy overseas families that now has come to the U.S. for certain educational or business experiences. The truth was he could say the perfect thing at the perfect time, yet never get to the heart, he was a master conversationalist. This is the mindset of the people running our country. By the way, and I have no way of knowing or assuming things that he said were true, but, he himself was a big drinker, pot user and had very many sexual improprieties. He turned out to be the kind of person who was too much for me! Thankfully, but is he too much for this country, he was nothing compared to Karl Rove. Think that through. Washington is not a nice place to visit, can you imagine Living there? Poor politicians.

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