pick of the week.jpgAnother Friday, another set of my favorites for the past week:

The true saviour of publishing: Starbucks? by Joanna

iPad alternatives: Where are they now? by Chris Meadows

Famous Books – Treasures of the Bavarian State Library – a free iPhone/iPad app

Outbreak at the library: a surprising situation where ebooks fight bedbugs by Joanna

Using the Kindle for driving directions with Google Maps by Andrys Basten

Indie ebooktailers and the Agency Model: Where Are They Now?

How to use an iPhone 4 with a braille display

Ebook deals not remotely fair, says Society of Authors

iPhone 4/iPhone 3GS comparison pictures of text

ePub standard is not really a standard – just a guideline

After 20 years of traditional publishing, Donna Fasano goes indie by Chris Walters

Photo comparison of new Graphite DX vs a good older DX by Andrys Basten

Kindle DX Graphite PDF guide by Andrys Basten


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