Update, July 6th: It appears Hamster’s guts are actually the Calibre ebook conversion engine. To save yourself the trouble of dealing with unnecessary/untested programs, you can just download Calibre, which is cross-platform. (Thanks, Peter!)

(Windows platform only.) From Lifehacker: “Hamster Free eBook Converter allows you to convert eBook files in proprietary formats for Sony, iRiver, Amazon, Kobo, and other eBook readers into a version that can be read on any other reader, or on all of them as a simple PDF or file format they all understand.” Free from HamsterSoft, or you can check out a demo video below.


HAMSTER Free eBook Converter from Hamster Soft on Vimeo.

(via @lbraun2000)


  1. Thank you.I Was thinking the exact same thing. I love books. Since I was a kid I would read books in a way that left them in pristine condition and then put them in my bookcase. Now I get to have the book and still download and read the e-book, Computer Application

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