In our mission to simplify the Kindle world for you, we prepared another graphic tip about the new range of Kindle devices. This time we’d like to show which variants can be purchased from outside United States.

Three models qualify for international shipment, all of them without special offers:
Kindle 4 – a brand new 5-button model » international landing page
Kindle Keyboard Wi-Fi (formerly Kindle 3) » international landing page
Kindle Keyboard Wi-Fi + 3G » international landing page

The country list includes 177 destinations. Here you can check all of them.

As we focus on helping international Kindle users, we’ll be sharing any news about worldwide availability of Kindle Touch and Kindle Fire. Stay informed, get free updates by RSS or e-mail.

If you like the idea of graphic tips, please share them with your friends and followers. We hope you enjoy what we’re doing!

Via Ebook Friendly


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