image How would you like your iPhone to come with pictures of a cute, cheerful girl from the iPhone factory already inside? That’s what MacRumors forum user "markm49uk" found when he booted up his new iPhone 3G.

Apparently the factory worker who tested the camera left three pictures in its memory. And given the smile and the "V for victory" signs, leaving them there could not be anything but intentional.

Other forum users expressed the opinion that "she’s so fired." But I tend to agree with the Wired gadget blogger who found the pictures quite endearing. Who knows how many phones that girl has to test in a day, yet she still finds it in herself to flash a great big grin for this one, then send it off to whatever end-user finds it.

I know that if I knew my iPhone would come with a photo of a cute, smiling girl on it, I would almost be willing to pay extra. (Especially if it included her email address.)


  1. I think that is kind of cool! They should do that for every iPhone coming off the assembly line.

    The original Macintosh computers had the signatures of the design team molded into the inside of the case. It would be kind of reviving that tradition to include a photo of the factory workers.

  2. I agree with HeavyG. I often wonder how stuff I buy is made, if the workers are miserable or what. This is a great human touch.

    And if it continues, someone could set up a site where the pictures are uploaded and the workers can see where their phone ended up.

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