The Kindle includes an experimental web browser so I thought I’d see how it worked with some of the public domain sites I frequent.

Feedbooks: as we know Feedbooks works just fine in the Kindle. We have an earlier posting giving a “how to” about using the downloadable Feedbooks catalog.  There is also a mobile site for Feedbooks.  The mobile site has all sorts of ways to sort and browse everything, you can even access your customized recommandations (based on your previous downloads to guess your taste).

Manybooks: much to my pleasure Manybooks also works just fine on the Kindle browser. The picture you see above is of the Manybooks site. I have selected and downloaded several books from Manybooks and they read just fine.

Munseys: does not work. The site displays OK, but I am unable to select any of the action buttons. Munseys has a Kindle site that works  well, but the organization is not as good as the other sites mentioned here.

Gutenberg: can be made to work, but is a real pain in the neck and probably isn’t worth the effort since we have several other excellent sites working. Also, the downloaded book, in txt format, shows strange line breaks and pagination, making the extensive effort needed to get a book not worthwhile in the end.

Mobileread:  Mobipocket books can be downloaded either from the mobile site directly or from a catalog kept on your Kindle, just like the Feedbooks catalog.  Both methods work just fine, but of course the catalog method is much easier.

If anyone has a site they’d like me to try out, please ask in the comments.

Thanks to all who have made comments I’ve incorporated all the comments so that they can be referenced in one place.


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