kobotablet.jpgFrom the press release:

On the heels of a major funding announcement and re-brand, Kobo (previously Shortcovers) today launched in the UK. Kobo is an eReading service for smartphones, tablets, netbooks, laptops and eReaders. Kobo’s use of open standards like EPUB and its unique cloud-based service enables consumers to build their eBook libraries without being locked in to any one device. Kobo also keeps all of a reader’s devices in sync, enabling them to read from device to device. Since it launched in North America in early 2009, Kobo has been downloaded by more than one million users in 200 countries. The UK launch is the first region-specific launch for Kobo outside of North America.

Kobo features eBooks from leading UK publishers such as Random House UK, Penguin Group UK, Bloomsbury, Simon & Schuster UK and Faber & Faber. With these partnerships Kobo will have nearly two million titles available in the UK – with bestsellers from £8.99 and less. Kobo is working with the Independent Publishers Guild to ensure that regional and independent presses are represented alongside major publishing houses. The service will include a bestseller list unique to the UK store and UK titles featured prominently on the site.


  1. Does anybody actually fall for the “we have [n] million books available” scam?

    I mean it’s very nice they’ve got all the Google and Project Gutenberg PD stuff available and everything, but one gets tired of these grossly inflated numbers.

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