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From Publishers Weekly:

In a move the company described as a precursor to launching a new digital publishing platform, Medallion Media Group, an independent book publisher and multimedia entertainment firm, has acquired Triple Threat Mobile Development, a digital consulting firm specializing in creating games and custom applications for mobile devices. Medallion has also hired Triple Threat Mobile’s CEO/founder Brian Buck as its executive director of technology.

In a phone interview with Medallion president Adam Mock, he said the acquisition of Triple Threat Mobile Development was the latest step in a process to develop a “new state-of-the-art e-book platform,” that it will unveil in 2013. While Mock would not show or precisely define the exact functionality of this new e-book platform, he described it as “something no one has done before. It’s beyond simple enhanced e-books; its more than just adding some video.” Mock claims the forthcoming e-book platform will offer “a new way for readers to digest a book, a new way to experience a book and for writers to fully explore the worlds that they create.” He said that they have applied for a patent for the technology and that “there’s nothing like it.”
More in the article.  Thanks to Michael von Glahn for the link.


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