Penguin Australia Launches New Teen Website (Good e-Reader)Penguin
Penguin Australia has been running a fairly popular teen website for the last six years. The main draw about the website is the blogging platform that wrote a number of articles on books to film and fashion. Penguin has just launched a totally new website and really takes blogging design to a new level.
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Huffington Post to End Anonymous Comments (GigaOM)
Arianna Huffington said the time has come to put names to commenters — at least on the Huffington Post.
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Career Writers (Kristine Kathryn Rusch)
I write from the perspective of a career writer, someone who started as a teenager and plan to finish when my heart stops pumping. I write about survival—long-term survival—in a business that discourages longevity. That’s my point, that’s always my point, in all of these blogs.
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The Unfair Fight Against School Librarians (Book Riot)
I am not monogamous when it comes to library love. Subsequently, when my school librarian friends start to get picked on, I will hop on my library advocacy soapbox for them with the same fervor as I do for public librarians.
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Kindle Daily Deals: four novels in the Stacy Justice mystery series ($1.99 each)


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