ipadThe iPad 2 is Apple’s Most Widely Used Tablet (GigaOM)
According to a new study, more people use the iPad 2 than the third and fourth generation iPads combined.

Why Defining a Journalist is Messy, but Crucial (Media Shift)
We culled a variety of sources that conceptualize a journalist in some way, and we analyzed each conceptualization to identify its elements — the primary constituents of a journalist’s matter. Then we used the elements to develop a definition reflecting how a journalist commonly is defined.

Author Claims Copyright Over Interview he Gave 20 Years Ago (Techdirt)
A bunch of folks have alerted me to this bizarre story of author Bill Bryson, known for his “humorous books on travel,” along with his publisher Transworld (a division of Random House), who are apparently claiming that Bryson holds the copyright on an interview he gave 20 years ago.

Can the eBook Genome Project Solve the Problem of Categorizing Books? (GoodeReader)
The anger over the decision by several retailers to stop carrying self-published titles continues to rage, as it is even extending to authors whose books were not even remotely close to the adult nature of titles that stores like WHSmith and Whitcoulls railed against. Authors have taken to launching change.org petitions and their social media platforms to vent and try to compensate.

Kindle Daily Deals: Oleander Girl (and 4 others)


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