kindle 2.jpgThere’s a new firmware update to version 2.3.3 out for the Kindle 2 and DX. Nate’s Ebook News is reporting on the changes:

* That spinning wheel in the upper left every time it awakes, not letting you even open a book for awhile, has been improved to very little time.
* Much less time closing a book and opening one. That wheel was spinning all the time after update 2.3.
* When you rotate the DX, you have to tilt it a bit further before it auto-rotates, Hooray! 🙂 And it is faster changing orientation now back and forth.
* All the delays v2.3 put in seem to be gone.

To install it all you have to do is turn on your wireless and it will eventually be download and installed automatically. During the install it may appear that you have lost all your books, but don’t panic. They will come back when the install is finished. Since Amazon sends out the updates in batches it may take a while for your machine to update. If you want to do a manual install the instructions are here.


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