
So says The Bookseller:

Publishing Scotland has launched a “Go-Digital Fund” to support Scottish-based book publishers looking to develop their digital programmes and bring their books to a new digital audience.

Scottish arts body Creative Scotland will bankroll the £20,000 fund. It will be spread over two rounds in November 2011 and February 2012, and it is anticipated the fund will run again the following year in 2012/13. Publishers can apply for costs up to £2,000 per company, with applications to be judged by a panel of representatives from both Publishing Scotland and Creative Scotland.

The fund is intended to help publishers in accessing training or consultancy in digital matters, attending digital events in the UK and overseas, and in marketing their digital books and content. It is a sister fund to the organisation’s “Go-See Fund” which enables publishers to make trips to book fairs around the world.

More in the article.


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