image Sony has updated eBook Library software to version 3.0.01 to provide for Windows 7 support for e-book management and transfer to Reader models PRS-300, PRS-505, PRS-600, the Reader Touch Edition and the Pocket Edition. The update is supposed to crash less often. EU users can download here, U.S. users here.

Uninstall 3.0 first if you’re using Windows 7. That isn’t necessary if you’re using other OSes. Mac users will still be downloading Version 3.0.

Sony warns: “Using the PRS-500 with Windows 7 operating system or 64-bit versions of Windows Vista operating system will require a firmware update for the PRS-500.”

In a related vein: I don’t see a mention of ePub support for the PRS-500, due by the end of the year, but I assume things are still moving ahead. The PRS-500 site is here.


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