Screen shot 2010-11-22 at 10.13.46 AM.pngIn an article in The Literary Platform, editor Sophie Rochester asked those working in the digital publishing industry about the best of 2010 and their opinions about 2011. Here’s the first one from Dan Franklin. You can find comments by Robin Harvie, Michael Bhaskar, Kate Wilson, Neal Hoskins, Ales Spears, Dean Johnson and Peter Collingridge here.

I have been digital editor at Canongate since March last year and it’s great to have established a digital team in the company, put it in colleagues’ minds and see it really take off this year sales-wise.

I think next year on an industry level, and with the imminent arrival of Google Books, we need to try and achieve standards in pricing and ebook production to deliver readers/users what they want from digital books (or whatever you like to call the new experiences opening up).

Most importantly I hope that in the coming year we don’t get hysterical about the challenges of this necessarily turbulent stage or lose that all-important sense of adventure that is the source of innovative publishing.
On a personal note I am looking forward to the opportunities and challenges in moving to Random House and having a massive list to play with!


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