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Here are the key findings and recommendations from the report.  You can find the full report here.

Pilot project staff and August Entry students overwhelmingly recommend iPads for use byother TCFS staff and students: 76.2% of staff and 80% of students
iPads are effective, durable, reliable and achieve their educational aims of going further, fasterand with more fun
iPads have advantages for TCFS over other technologies such as netbooks and laptops
iPads are not a replacement for desktop/laptop computers or other educational technologiesbut are an enhancement
High quality audio-visual equipment in the classroom (such as flat screen TV monitors anddocument cameras), along with timely IT support, are required to enable full integration andbest use of the iPads. Such equipment and support are crucial if the educational aims of iPaduse are to be realised rather than thwarted
iPad use reduces printing and paper use
Past TCFS students and current TCFS students in other intakes have expressed interest iniPads and a wish that they had the chance to use iPads at Trinity
TCFS staff responded positively to the demonstration and discussion of iPads at theSeptember Academic Conference ‘Engaging Students in the 21st Century.’ The Conferenceplenary session expressed a desire for more iPads and AV equipment in Trinity from 2011
The ‘Step Forward’ Pilot Project raised Trinity’s global profile as an education innovator
The market took note of the ‘Step Forward’ Pilot Project and this innovation has receivedpositive interest from agents and parents of prospective students

Proceed with the roll out of iPads to all TCFS academic staff in 2011
Incorporate iPad and related technology training for all TCFS staff in 2011
Ensure sufficient staffing to service the technological and pedagogical needs of the program(including an Education Technology Manager and a dedicated IT staff member)
Expand on the work of the original iPad trial and prepare for the full roll out of iPads to all staffand students by using iPads for August Entry 2011
Proceed with the roll out of iPads to all TCFS students in 2012

Thanks to eBookNewser for the link.


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