030711 yoga kindle app

Oh look, I found six new games and apps released in the past couple of weeks! We’re inching close to 50 titles now, but still there’s no sign of an organized Active Content Store on Amazon (just this page of highlights). Until then, or until the burden grows too tedious for me to keep up with them all, you can check out my curated Games page on the blog.

Below are the six new titles I found this week.

New Games

Word Soup – $2.99
Create words from a jumble of letters in the playing grid. Letters disappear when used, allowing those above to drop down for an ever-changing game board.

Ultimate Sci-Fi Quiz – $1.99
Test your sci-fi movie and TV show geekiness with 1,000 trivia questions.

New Apps

My Yoga Studio – $1.99
25 poses with illustrations, instructions, and a timer. Practice individual poses or choose from one of 3 built-in routines.

24-7 French – Vocabulary – $3.99
24-7 German – Vocabulary – $3.99
24-7 Italian – Basic Phrases – $3.99
Learn basic vocabulary using flash cards, multiple choice quizzes, hangman, and fill-in-the-blank quizzes.

Via Chris Walters’ BookSprung blog


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