images.jpegFrom the press release: (NASDAQ: AMZN) today announced that bestselling author Warren Adler has made five e-books, none of which have been previously published in any format, available in the Kindle Store ( These books, all of which draw from Adler’s skill as a novelist and his keen insight into the nature of intimate human relationships, will also be available in print editions through CreateSpace. All five books in the series – “The David Embrace,” “Flanagan’s Dolls,” “The Womanizer,” “Residue” and “Empty Treasures”—are available for sale today for $7.95 with the e-books exclusive to the Kindle Store for two years.

“Warren Adler has long been involved in digital publishing ventures, and we’re thrilled he’s decided to publish his new series in e-book form exclusively in the Kindle Store,” said Russ Grandinetti, Vice President, Kindle Content. “We think Adler fans and readers who are just discovering his work will enjoy this new series.”

Adler is also making available an anthology of “Warren Adler Short Story Contest Winners,” featuring the winning pieces from the Warren Adler Short Story Contest, a contest Adler conceived to promote and revive the medium of the short story as a popular mode of literary expression. The anthology is available for $4.95, and is also exclusive to the Kindle store for two years.

“This exclusive deal reflects the rapidly changing need for mainstream novelists to find innovative ways to market their books,” said Adler. “There is no question that Kindle and Amazon have pointed the way for an author to find new marketing and publicity techniques to gain the attention of its vast reader audience. As a leader in marketing e-books, Kindle offers tremendous opportunities that were never thought possible just a few years ago.”


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