cookbooksThe Year’s Fattest Cookbooks (PW)
From How to Cook Everything Fast at a thousand-plus pages to an authoritative collection of Mexican recipes that clocks in at 705 pages, the year 2014 saw a slew of hefty cookbooks. Here’s a look at just a few.

Where Are All the Boy Books? You’re Buying Them (Book Riot)
Even the most well-meaning, socially-conscious adults fall into this trap, believing that the boys are being left behind and that girls and girl interests “dominate” the children’s book world.

e-Readers- The Race to the Bottom (GoodeReader)
When Sony and Amazon first got into the e-reader business, they were considered a new breed of luxury items. The first generation Kindle retailed for $399 and the PRS-500 was $349. Needless to say, only the most hardcore of readers were buying into the new way to consume digital books. In the last few years, you can pick up a ultra modern device for $79. What’s changed?

Knock-Your-Socks-Off Interactive Children’s Books, Holiday Gift Guide (Apartment Therapy)
These interactive books, on the other hand, have so many bells and whistles, they won’t be cast aside on Christmas morning in favor of “real” toys.

Kindle Daily Deal: 12 Days of Deals (and others)


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