Tom Gauld formatsProbably many of you will have noticed these bibliophilic graphics in passing, without realizing that they all came from the same source. So now it’s time to pay due tribute to Tom Gauld, who has produced some of the most fun, insightful, and reverential short book-related strips, magazine cover illustrations, and other graphic art around. He lives and works out of London, but features on the cover of The New Yorker and elsewhere worldwide – plus of course, on the internet and social media, where he’s almost become a meme creator of choice.

As well as the hilarious Formats of the Future graphic above, there’s his series of 12 cartoons done for The Guardian, now available for order as prints at his website, and well worth scrolling all the way through. And then there’s more … and more … and more

Take a look at his graphics and you might learn more about the writer’s craft than many creative writing courses will teach you – as well as having a good laugh in the process. Here’s someone who totally gets the current situation of the author, and the book, and who shares it in the most hysterical terms. Great stuff.


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